Adding prefix to cell entries



I have some tags that are numbered from
982 00000000 to
982 00000300

I tried using the cell fomat "982 00000"@ to allow me just type in the part
that is changing (IE 0 to 300) for ease of use and less errors. My trouble is
this doesn't force the extra 0's for tag numbers below 100. Can I do this as
it is not a number because of the space.

Dave Peterson

How about a custom format of:

"982 "00000000

I have some tags that are numbered from
982 00000000 to
982 00000300

I tried using the cell fomat "982 00000"@ to allow me just type in the part
that is changing (IE 0 to 300) for ease of use and less errors. My trouble is
this doesn't force the extra 0's for tag numbers below 100. Can I do this as
it is not a number because of the space.


Thanks Dave. Worked a treat. I had tried that before on a cell that already
had a number in it and the number didn't change so I thought it didn't work.
If I format the cell first and then type the number in it works fine, so I've
learnt two things.

Thank you

Dave Peterson

If that value was a real number, then it shouldn't matter the order.

But I bet you entered the value as text (leading apostrophe or preformatted the
cell as text???). Then changed to that custom format.

ps. A quick way to "reenter" the value is to select the cell, hit F2 (to edit)
and then Enter to finish the edit.

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