Adding If Statements to Macro Code



I have the code below in a spreadsheet, but I need to adjust it. I
want it to continue to do the calculation, but need it to say "Exceeds
Maximum Allowable" if the result (discount) is above 70%.

I am venturing into VBA for the first time, so I really appreciate
anyone's help. :)

Sub Calc_Discount()
' Calc_Discount Macro
' Calculate Maximum Discount

Range("d27").GoalSeek Goal:=0.3, ChangingCell:=Range("discount")
End Sub

JE McGimpsey

One way:

Public Sub Calc_Discount()
' Calc_Discount Macro
' Calculate Maximum Discount

Range("d27").GoalSeek Goal:=0.3, ChangingCell:=Range("discount")
If Range("discount").Value > 0.7 Then _
MsgBox "Exceeds Maximum Allowable"
End Sub

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