Adding httpModules problems


Bogdan Fiedur

Hi Everybody,

When we defined this section in web.config in the main root,

<add name="ApplicationModule"
type="Myspace.Community.ApplicationModule,Community" />

applications which are defined within the root are having problems with
loading of the Community.dll which resided in the root/bin directory.

The problems seems to occur when child application are trying to inherit the
settings and load the dll but are looking for it in the local bin folders.

How do I either stop child application from inheritance of this portion of
parent web.config or inform them where the dll is located, which is
root/bin not root/child/bin

Bogdan Fiedur

Rich Denis

I am not sure if httpModules support a remove of modules in sub config
files, but You could add a "probing" element in the appropriate place in
order to get the apps to look in other directoories if they can't find
the bin they are looking for. Also you could GAC the assembly that is
used by all apps and decorate your module element with the public key,
culture and version.

Check this article out. Hope it helps:


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