Adding email accounts in Outlook 2000



How do I add another email account to the Office version of Outlook 2000? In
the tools menu there is no "Accounts" option.

Vince Averello [MVP-Outlook]

Is there a Services option on that menu? If so, you're using OL2000 in
Corporate/Workgroup mode.


Yes there is a "Service" option, what does this mean and is there still a way
for me to add another email account?

Vince Averello [MVP-Outlook]

Yes, go into the Services option and add a new Internet E-mail service


Thanks - I had figured that out and added the email account. But now I can't
figure out how to get Outlook to retrieve that email. I select "Options",
"Mail Services" but under the "Cehck for new mail on:" only the orignal
account shows up. At some point (I don't remember just where) there was a
message that I had to "lon on" for the new account to be available. But I
can't find anywhere to log on!

Vince Averello [MVP-Outlook]

Next question... is there any particular reason you're using
Corporate/Workgroup mode as opposed to Internet Mail Only mode?


How about general stupidity? No, I don't know how it got set up this way. I
was going to change it but got a warning that scared me. There is just one
other person who gets email on this computer and I don't want to risk
screwing her account up. But this is in our home office and I think all the
other computers user the other mode. So, since this other person isn't going
to be around for a few days, rather than risk her email - without her here to
bail me out if things go bad - I was hoping I could easily (well relatively
easily) just add my email account....

Vince Averello [MVP-Outlook]

OK, in that case don't screw around with the modes. I'm trying to remember
the ins & outs of Corporate mode.


I appreciate it. So far I have created another email account in "services"
and it shows up in the list of services under the "Tools", "Services" page.
But it doesn't appear on the "Options", "Mail Services" page in the "Check
for new mail on:" box. When I click on the new "service" or account that I
created in the Services window, and click on "properties" I get the following
message: The configuration changes you have made will not take effect til the
next time you log on to internet e-mail". I am not sure what that means - the
changes for that services are saved, but still I can't figure out how to
actually receive mail for that address.... Hope this helps with your
diagnosis. And thanks again for the effort....

Vince Averello [MVP-Outlook]

Have you closed & restarted Outlook since adding the new service? A reboot
couldn't hurt (shouldn't be needed but sometimes it can cure a plethora of


Good morning! Do you ever get to sleep?!?!? I just did a restart after
closing Outlook - still don't get the option to check mail on the new

Vince Averello [MVP-Outlook]

Damn... I'll have to crack a book when I get home.

Yes, I do sleep. Usually between 10 or 11 PM and 3-4 AM


Thanks. I may be away from the computer for a while, but I will be eagerly
awaiting any advice you can dig up. Is it just me, or does it seem odd that
what to me seems like the most basic thing about an email program - setting
up an email address that you want to receive email for - isn't documented
SOMEWHERE in the help function? Oh well. Thank the computer gods for good
folks like you willing to help....

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