adding designtime support for property of usercontrol (InitializeComponents)



I have a very simple UserControl (derived from
System.Windows.Forms.UserControl) that contains several ListViews. The
UserControl exposes a single public property:

public ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection Columns { get {...} };

When I use VS2005 designer's proprtygrid for that UserConrol to add new
Colums to the Collection everything works fine: The form that contains
the UserControl gets new members ( private
System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader columnHeader1, ...) in the
UserControl.Designer.cs also initializes each ColumnHeader inside

There is one thing though that the designer fails to do: it does not
add the necessary:


into the InitializeComponent() Method in the UserControl.Designer.cs.

What do I need to do to make that happen ?

Claes Bergefall

Try adding the DesignerSerializationVisibility attribute

public ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection Columns
get {...}


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