adding controls to panel


Mike P

I am using the following syntax in a loop to add controls to a panel :


How can I make it so that there are spaces between each control?

Alberto Poblacion

Mike P said:
I am using the following syntax in a loop to add controls to a panel :


How can I make it so that there are spaces between each control?

I presume this is a Web application (not WinForms) and therefore when you
say "panel" you are referring to an asp:panel control.

In that case, in order to position your controls, you can insert
additional controls such as a Label or a LiteralControl to provide the HTML
markup that will position your own controls. For instance, if you want to
insert a single space between your controls:

this.pnlCharts.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(" "));

You could also insert a line break by means of new LiteralControl("<br

Or if you want finer control, you can dynamically create a TABLE and
insert your controls in different TableCells, or create DIVs, add your
controls inside each DIV and apply CSS styles to the DIVs to position them
as needed.

Gregory A. Beamer

I am using the following syntax in a loop to add controls to a panel :


How can I make it so that there are spaces between each control?

Add tables or CSS classes and you can cover the layout/spacing issue. If
you are merely punching into a container, add a bit of padding, via CSS, to
the HTML type the control creates will add some space. If you need precise
layout, you need to either use a table or really think out the CSS. If the
controls added are dynamic in number, tables will be a lot easier, although
the time spent on CSS is generally worth it if you want a great looking UI.
If that is not a concern, then hack away with tables, as they are a bit

Gregory A. Beamer

Twitter: @gbworld

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