adding a reminder to a message



Is there a way of adding a reminder to a message? for example I have a
client who has asked me to keep him informed when I receive certain goods,
now is there a way that I can jog my memoery by adding a reminder to his
original mail. A bit like an alert or note that will flash up for whenever I
set the parameters.
It would be nice if I could say, set it to open up his original mail every
two weeks so that I can remember what he was asking me.

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Email items can have reminders but the reminder will only fire if the
email is in the default Inbox, unless you are using a 3rd party
reminder addin. In all other folders the item with the reminder will
only turn red when the reminder is overdue.

To add a reminder to an email item select it and right-click on it. In
the context menu select Follow Up to open the reminder dialog. You can
also open an email and either click on the red flag in the Standard
toolbar or select Actions, Follow Up or use the key combination
Ctrl+Shift+G to open the reminders dialog.

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