Adding a record.


Robert Harris

I want to have auto completed history files.

When a user completes a form for a new task request and
saves the entry into the forms table I would like a record
entry added to the history table indicating the date and
time the new entry was created.

The history files will contain the following automated


Examples of comments: Created, Reviewed, Changed,

The comment will be based on the action taken.

The question is how when I save the form data a record can
be created in the history table.

Graham R Seach


I'd modify the history table to have only two fileds; DateTime (Date
datatype), and Comments (Text datatype).

Then add the following function to the form's class module:
Public Function AddHistory(sComment As String) As Bollean
Dim sSQL As String
sSQL = "INSERTY INTO tblHistory (DateTime, Comments) VALUES (#" &
Now() & "#, """ & sComment & """)"
CurrentDb.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
End Function

Then add the following code to the form's AfterUpdate property (the
property, not the event):

Then add the following code to the form's AfterInsert property (the
property, not the event):

It is also advisable to record *who* made the changes, so the following code
might help:
Graham R Seach
Microsoft Access MVP
Sydney, Australia

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