Adding a Check Mark commant to the Menu



I have found the following instructions on the MS online help but it is a
little over my head. I have two questions that I need to ask to get started
and then I can fumble though the rest. First, I do not understand step !.
What does it mean to insert a new module? Second, In step 2 where is the
menu editor command? I don't see it under tools in Excel.

1. Insert a new module in a workbook.
2. To add a command called "Database" below the Toolbars command on the View
menu, choose the Menu Editor command from the Tools menu.

For more information about using the Menu Editor, see pages 242-244 of the
"Visual Basic User's Guide."
3. Select a portion of the worksheet that you want to be the database view
and give it the assigned name "Database_View." Repeat this procedure for the
worksheet view, and give that worksheet selection the defined name
4. Switch to the Visual Basic module, and enter the following code:
Sub DatabaseView()
With MenuBars(xlWorksheet).Menus("View").MenuItems("Database")
.Checked = Not .Checked 'toggles check mark on/off
If .Checked Then
'Switch to Database View
Application.Goto "Database_View", True
'Switch to Worksheet View
Application.Goto "Worksheet_View", True
End If
End With
End Sub

5. Using the Menu Editor, assign the DatabaseView macro to the Database
6. Activate the worksheet.
7. Choose Database from the View menu.


I want a cell in my Excel file to show a check mark or no chack mark when I
click on it. As of now, it is using a list to provide those optons but I just
want to click on the cell once to give me a check or no check. How do I do
this? I am running Excel 2003 (XP version).



Good evening TimImiT

You need to use either the Forms toolbar or the Control Toolbox
toolbar. Both have a check box option. The Forms toolbar is better
for beginners, the Control Toolbox toolbar offers more in terms of
degrees of control, but is trickier to get to grips with.





Let's say that you want your check marks in column "A"
Set column A font to Webdings

Put this code in the worksheet module:

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Column = 1 Then
If Len(Target) > 0 Then
Target.ClearContents ' or Target = ""
Else: Target = "a"
End If
End If
End Sub

[ This works in Excel 2000 ]

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