adding 00 or 0 not by formating the cell, but ...



Is it possible for me to add 00 or 0 to the five digit
numbers not by formating the cell because I want it to be
a solid five digits and not some 3 some 4 and some 5
digits when it is exported to another database?

Thanks a bunch,


Ron Rosenfeld

Is it possible for me to add 00 or 0 to the five digit
numbers not by formating the cell because I want it to be
a solid five digits and not some 3 some 4 and some 5
digits when it is exported to another database?

Thanks a bunch,


=TEXT(your_num,"0000000") will convert your_num into a fixed length text
string with an appropriate number of zeros prepended.



Hi Kath

in an adjacent column type

(where B1 is the first number) & drag down, you can then use copy & edit /
paste special - values to change these new numbers into values instead of
the formula.

note however, that they are actually changed to text so you can't do any
calculations on them.

Hope this helps

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