Add submenu to custom menu



I have a custom menu on the menu bar. There are 2 menus. I want to
add a sub menu as follows:

Test Analyses
Explore Test
Type 1 --> call sub1
Type 2 --> call sub2
Plan Test --> call sub3

Here is the code so far:
Set newmen = MenuBars(xlWorksheet).Menus.Add("Test &Analyses")
newmen.MenuItems.Add "E&xplore Test", "getEXPLOREdata"
newmen.MenuItems.Add "&Plan Test", "getPLANdata"


John Dijkman

try this... John

Sub CreateMenu()
Dim HelpMenu As CommandBarControl
Dim NewMenu As CommandBarPopup
Dim MenuItem As CommandBarControl
Dim Submenuitem As CommandBarButton

Call DeleteMenu

Set NewMenu = CommandBars(1).Controls.Add _
(Type:=msoControlPopup, _

NewMenu.Caption = "&Budgeting"

Set MenuItem = NewMenu.Controls.Add _
With MenuItem
.Caption = "&Submenus"
.BeginGroup = True
End With

Set Submenuitem = MenuItem.Controls.Add _
With Submenuitem
.Caption = "Sub &1"
.OnAction = "Macro1"
End With

Set Submenuitem = MenuItem.Controls.Add _
With Submenuitem
.Caption = "Sub &2"
.OnAction = "Macro2"
End With
End Sub

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