Add row to datagrid without databinding again




Is there a way to add a row to a datagrid after DataBind method is called. I
know I can call DataBind again, but that's not what I am looking for.

The reason I want to do this, I have a page to load data into a DataGrid and
let user edit data, now I want to add function for user to add data also.
The problem, this is All-Or-None situation, the user add/change several rows
then save all rows together or do nothing at all.

Thanks in Advance for any suggestions

Grant Merwitz

Not the ideal solution, but a work around.

When you say you don't want to databind it again, i take it you concerned
about the trip to the database.

So what you can do, is take the DataSource out of the DataGrid, add a new
row and rebind it. (avoiding a new trip to the database, but still

so if your grid was called MyGrid and it was Bound to a DataTable:

DataTable dt = (DataTable)MyGrid.DataSource; //for a DataSet --> DataSet
ds = (DataSet)MyGrid.DataSource;

//Add a new row to this datatable then rebind

MyGrid.DataSource = dt;


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