Add page breaks from VB

  • Thread starter Laurence Nuttall
  • Start date

Laurence Nuttall

using VB 6, and Excel 2002, (sp2),

I am trying to add page breaks to an excel workseheet
using OLE Automation from a VB program.

I have tried

XLworksheet.HPageBreaks.Add Before:=ActiveCell
XLWorksheet.HPageBreaks.Add ExcelWrkSheet.Cells(1, 1)

and various other things suggested on the newsgroups
and helper web sites.

The VB program will compile ok, but when it tires to execute
the HPageBeask.add

I get

Run time error 1004
application defined or object-defined error


Microsoft has this as is documentation on this

Add method as it applies to the HPageBreaks object.
Adds a horizontal page break. Returns an HPageBreak object.
expression Required. An expression that returns an HPageBreaks object.

Before Required Object. A Range object. The range above which the new
page break will be added.


Thanks in Advance,

Laurence Nuttall
Programmer Analyst III
UCLA - Division of Continuing Education

Tom Ogilvy

I get that error if I try to use the top left cell or any cell on the top
row. Using the same syntax, it works on another cell.

XLWorksheet.HPageBreaks.Add ExcelWrkSheet.Cells(1, 1)

xlWorksheet and ExcelWrkSheet should be the same object/worksheet I would

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