add page break code in csv file to force break when loading.



I need an example of what code string to use to have excel
add page breaks automaticly when the user open a CSV file.

I need the csv file to contain the code string to add page
breaks before it is opened in excel.
report of account

user , acct number , amt
1 , 1 , $1.00

(page break code)
report of account

user , acct number , amt



Dave Peterson

CSV files are plain text.

Can you provide your users a macro that would import the .csv file and then add
the page breaks?

Maybe you could provide some other formatting/subtotals/print setup and really
make it worthwhile.


I wish I could use either of these options.
but I have to code to the worst possible users and it also
hard to tell the managers that they need training without
it coming back on a review.

is there a format that could be use, that would format the
data when loaded?
it needs to do this when the user doubleclicks the file ,
it's the only way that most know how to open these files.

having them open excel or running a macro is not
acceptable to them. ( they get a e-mail with a link to the
file and doubleclick it to open)
-----Original Message-----
CSV files are plain text.

Can you provide your users a macro that would import the .csv file and then add
the page breaks?

Maybe you could provide some other
formatting/subtotals/print setup and really

Dave Peterson

I think anything you embed into a text file will be treated as text by excel.

Any chance you could do the import yourself and have the link point to the .xls

I create a few .txt files that I have to share.

I dump the .txt file to the same location and the same name every morning. (A
common network drive.)

I've given them a workbook with a giant button (from the Forms toolbar) on the
single sheet in the workbook.

It says: Click Here to Import Your Data

They click the button and the macro opens that file and formats it the way I
like. And then saves it their harddrive using today's date as part of the

They have historical data if they need it and if they don't, they can just dump
it later.

When the .txt file changes format, I send out a new importer workbook.

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