Add object library?



I'm getting an "object could not be found" error.
I developed the code on a machine that has the Outlook 10
object library. This machine only has the Outlook 9
library (among other references). I copied the 10 version
("msoutl.olb") to the local hard drive, then in the
project References used the Browse button to 'open' it,
but the 10 version does not appear as an Available
How do I add it?
Many thanks,

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

You can't. You would have to do a complete installation of Outlook
2002. And those libraries are not legally redistributable.

The standard way to develop for multiple versions of Outlook is to
develop on a machine that has the oldest version of Outlook installed
that you need to support. Then you make sure you don't use methods,
properties or events that aren't supported by that version (or if you
do that you check for the Outlook version in your code first and use
late binding by declaring your objects As Object instead of an early
bound type).

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