Add Newline(s) inside a Cell Without Splitting Content into Different Cells



Hi All,

I'm writing output to an Excel file. I have to write all of the
differences into a single cell. Now I've got an output that looks like
this (in a single cell):

The number of text objects differ on page 1: 12; 10 | The number of
text objects differ on page 1: 17; 15 | The number of text objects
differ on page 1: 17; 15 | The number of text objects differ on page 1:
16; 14 | The number of text objects differ on page 1: 17; 15 | The
number of text objects differ on page 1: 18; 16 |

As you can see, it's humanly readable. I want to make it look like

The number of text objects differ on page 1: 12, 10
The number of text objects differ on page 1: 17, 15
The number of text objects differ on page 1: 17, 15
The number of text objects differ on page 1: 16, 14
The number of text objects differ on page 1: 17, 15
The number of text objects differ on page 1: 18, 16

I don't know how to make it look like this. Because, if I add a a
newline ("\r\n") after each difference, this will be split into 6
separate lines - They won't be in the same cell anymore. Any advice?



This is 'a' macro. It dumps the output in Sheet2, Cells A1, A2, A3, A4, etc.

Public Sub splitter()
Dim wb As Workbook, ws As Worksheet
Dim f, b, i As Integer
Dim sInput, sResult As String
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Set ws = wb.Sheets("Sheet2")
f = 1: b = 1
sResult = vbNullString
sInput = "The number of text objects differ on page 1: 12; 10 | The
number of text objects differ on page 1: 17; 15 | The number of text objects
differ on page 1: 17; 15 | The number of text objects differ on page 1: 16;
14 | The number of text objects differ on page 1: 17; 15 | The number of
text objects differ on page 1: 18; 16 |"
ws.Cells(f, b).Select
For i = 1 To Len(sInput) Step 1
If Asc(Mid(sInput, i, 1)) <> 124 Then
sResult = sResult & Mid(sInput, i, 1)
sResult = LTrim(Left(sResult, Len(sResult) - 1))
ws.Cells(f, b).Value = sResult
sResult = vbNullString
f = f + 1
End If
Next i
End Sub

It's up to you to implement this, because from here I cannot see what your
workbook looks like.

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