Add multiple booking options to each recurring date



My dilema is similar to Kelly S (Recurring Item Payment) but my attempts at
following suggestions on that thread have not been successful. Like Kelly, I
have adapted Duane Hookom's recurring database to enter recurring date
bookings for a community centre. My problem is that I need to enter multiple
booking options, tied to each recurring date. e.g. a craft group meets weekly
and use the west hall, the parents room and the café. I have tblOrganiser
(OrganiserID), tblBookings (BookingID), tblBookingDetails (BookingDetailID)
tblBookingOptions (BookingOptionID) and tblTemp (EventDateID). I set
tblBookings as the central, with a look-up foreign key to tblOrganiser and 1
to many relationship to tblBookingDetails, which in turn had a lookup foreign
key linked to tblBookingOptions. I.e. in the relationship windown,
tblOptions has a 1 to many relationship with tble BookingDetails, and so does
tblBookings. I didn't add tblTemp into the relationships, but that seems to
be working according to the recurring database to store the repeated dates.
I have tried adding a subform from tblBooking Details, but one, for some
reason this subform displays all the records already in the table and
secondly, I am really flying blind in trying to figure out what I should add
into the code. I am keen, but not very experienced! Help would be

Duane Hookom

Without looking too deep into your issues, could you use a multi-select list
box for the resources? You could then select "West Hall", "Parent's Room",
and "Cafe" when schedule the event.

Duane Hookom

You would probably want to change the Resource dropdown to a multi-select
list box. Then change the cmdBuildSchedule_Click() code to loop through the
items selected and append records.

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