Add-In Excel Locked Up



I created an Add-In Using Excel 2003, maintained in a password-
protected project and have had many people using it without any

However, I have given it to a new user and it causes the entire Excel
application to stop functioning.

The user tells me that none of his menu bars work and the only option
he has it to close the application.

Could this be because he may be using a different version of Excel
than which I created the add-in from?
Or, something else, perhaps?

Thanks for your help.

Jim Cone

You don't provide enough information for anyone to provide any
real help. The answers to your two questions are... Yes and Yes.

Posting your code along with the Excel version on the problem
machine would get things going.
You would also need to explain in general terms what your code
is intended to do. (including if it modifies toolbars/menubars)
Note that Excel 2007 does not have a menubar or toolbars.

Also, there should be error handling in code provided to others to use.
The errors displayed would have been the place to start to in determine the problem.

Starting fresh in a new post with the extra information may be the way to go.
This post now has an answer (mine) and others may ignore additional
questions posted to it.
Jim Cone
Portland, Oregon USA
(Excel Add-ins / Excel Programming)

<[email protected]>
wrote in message
I created an Add-In Using Excel 2003, maintained in a password-
protected project and have had many people using it without any
However, I have given it to a new user and it causes the entire Excel
application to stop functioning.

The user tells me that none of his menu bars work and the only option
he has it to close the application.

Could this be because he may be using a different version of Excel
than which I created the add-in from?
Or, something else, perhaps?
Thanks for your help.


I created an Add-In Using Excel 2003, maintained in a password-
protected project and have had many people using it without any

However, I have given it to a new user and it causes the entire Excel
application to stop functioning.

The user tells me that none of his menu bars work and the only option
he has it to close the application.

Could this be because he may be using a different version of Excel
than which I created the add-in from?
Or, something else, perhaps?

Thanks for your help.


You don't provide enough information for anyone to provide any
real help. The answers to your two questions are... Yes and Yes.

Posting your code along with the Excel version on the problem
machine would get things going.
You would also need to explain in general terms what your code
is intended to do. (including if it modifies toolbars/menubars)
Note that Excel 2007 does not have a menubar or toolbars.

Also, there should be error handling in code provided to others to use.
The errors displayed would have been the place to start to in determine the problem.

Starting fresh in a new post with the extra information may be the way to go.
This post now has an answer (mine) and others may ignore additional
questions posted to it.
Jim Cone
Portland, Oregon USA
(Excel Add-ins / Excel Programming)

<[email protected]>
wrote in message
I created an Add-In Using Excel 2003, maintained in a password-
protected project and have had many people using it without any
However, I have given it to a new user and it causes the entire Excel
application to stop functioning.

The user tells me that none of his menu bars work and the only option
he has it to close the application.

Could this be because he may be using a different version of Excel
than which I created the add-in from?
Or, something else, perhaps?
Thanks for your help.

Your response was very helpful and has lead me to solve the problem.
You mentioned error handling, I looked it up, implemented it,
encountered a problem and fixed it from there.

This is why the forum is great. I was vague because the user had
provided me with very little info to go off of, you didn't feel you
could be very helpful, yet you lead me to the solution.

For that, I thank you Jim Cone. And, below is my code where I forgot
to set my XlTools variable because I was jumping over it with a GoTo

Thanks, again.


Your response was very helpful and has lead me to solve the problem.
You mentioned error handling, I looked it up, implemented it,
encountered a problem and fixed it from there.

This is why the forum is great. I was vague because the user had
provided me with very little info to go off of, you didn't feel you
could be very helpful, yet you lead me to the solution.

For that, I thank you Jim Cone. And, below is my code where I forgot
to set my XlTools variable because I was jumping over it with a GoTo

Thanks, again.

Sub Mount_CoreConsole()
Dim Ms As CommandBarControl
Dim amb As CommandBar
Dim XlTools As CommandBarPopup
Dim CoreCons As CommandBarButton
Dim T As Long

On Error GoTo Err_Handle

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Set amb = CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar

For Each Ms In amb.Controls
If Ms.Caption = "&Jonce Thomas Tools" Then
T = Ms.Index
GoTo Mount_Core
End If

'INSTALL A TOOLS MENU if MsExcel Doesn't have one
Set XlTools = amb.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup,
XlTools.Caption = "&Jonce Thomas Tools"

Set XlTools = amb.Controls("&Jonce Thomas Tools")

'Mount Core Console to Tools menu

Set CoreCons = XlTools.CommandBar.Controls _
.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, ID:=1)
With CoreCons
.Caption = "Sort Long List"
.TooltipText = "Sorts Jonce Thomas Construction Long List"
.Style = msoButtonCaption
.OnAction = "SortLongList"
End With

Set CoreCons = XlTools.CommandBar.Controls _
.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, ID:=1)
With CoreCons
.Caption = "About Version"
.TooltipText = ""
.Style = msoButtonCaption
.OnAction = "Pop_VersionInfo"
End With

MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description

End Sub

Thanks for your help.

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