Add files to listview



I'm trying to add files with a OpenFileDialog to a listview. This is what
I've come up with sofar:

protected void ButAddClick(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
OpenFileDialog MyDialog = new OpenFileDialog();

MyDialog.Multiselect = true ;
MyDialog.Filter = "WAVE files (*.wav)|*.wav|All files (*.*)|*.*" ;
MyDialog.RestoreDirectory = true ;
MyDialog.Title = "Add Files";

if (MyDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
* foreach (int i in MyDialog.FileNames())
* listView.Items.Add(MyDialog.FileNames(i), i);

But the compiler says: "'System.Windows.Forms.FileDialog.FileNames'
denotes a 'property' where a 'method' was expected" about both lines with
a *.

Could someone explain to me what I'm doing wrong? TIA!

Philip Rieck

try replacing the lines you have marked with

int i = 0;
foreach (string fName in MyDialog.FileNames)
listView.Items.Add(fName, i++);


for( int i; i < MyDialog.FileNames.Count; i++)
listView.Items.Add( MyDialog.FileNames, i);

Peter Rilling

Not quite sure about your syntax. The FileNames points to an array. The
syntax for accessing an array in C# is wrong. It should be MyDialog

Few things wrong:

1) The FileNames property points to an array. Your syntax for accessing an
array in C# is wrong. It should be MyDialog.FileNames.
2) FileNames is an array of strings. Why are you extracting an integer
from the array in your foreach loop? Try "foreach(string s in
3) You never use "()" in a property syntax. This is what your system is
probably complaining about.

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