


What programs are compatible with Ad-Aware? I have Windows XP Professional,
MS Office 2003, MS Live One Care, IE 7.

R. McCarty

Compatible ? Nothing in your list has known incompatibilities. Ad-Aware
in my opinion is no longer the quality program it once was. I'd use another
program called Malwarebytes to replace it. One Care is being discontinued
and will soon be replaced by a free Microsoft product called "Morro".

Why the concern about compatibility issues>?


What programs are compatible with Ad-Aware? I have Windows XP
Professional, MS Office 2003, MS Live One Care, IE 7.

You would get a shorter list if you asked, 'what programs are NOT
compatible?' The answer is, among programs that run on Windows XP: none
of them that I'm aware of.

Why do you ask such a nonsensical question?

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