ActiveX controls are not loading



I am working on a source code written earlier in loading
some forms(already created with some controls on it), I am getting
the following error:
An error occurred while loading the document. Fix the error, and then
try loading the document again.
The error message follows:
You do not have license to use this ActiveX control
but code behind the forms are intact and loading.But none of the
controls(including Buttons,Dropdown list boxes and Grids)are loading
and displaying on the forms even in design time.
I also checked and added all the required references.
Please let me know any resolution, or suggestions to fix the error.


I am working on a source code written earlier in loading
some forms(already created with some controls on it), I am getting
the following error:
An error occurred while loading the document. Fix the error, and then
try loading the document again.
The error message follows:
You do not have license to use this ActiveX control
but code behind the forms are intact and loading.But none of the
controls(including Buttons,Dropdown list boxes and Grids)are loading
and displaying on the forms even in design time.
I also checked and added all the required references.
Please let me know any resolution, or suggestions to fix the error.


Remove and readd the componenets and then rebuild at the project level.

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