ActiveWorkbook.Protect password:=range("rangename") does not work



I am trying to have macro protecting a workbook, with a password
specified by an administrator in one of the hidden worksheets.
The cell in the hidden worksheet in which the password is specified is
named, so I want to use the range name in the macro that
protects/unprotects the workbook.

It all works well when I try to unprotect the workbook, using the code
: ActiveWorkbook.Unprotect password:=range("rangename").
However, I get an error when I try to protect the workbook with the
code: ActiveWorkbook.Protect password:=range("rangename")
The error message is: Runtime Error "1004, Application-defined or
Object-defined error.

Can anybody help ?

Many Thanks
Wim Ruepert
Sydney, Australia


the cell is not a password, but its content (the value) may be one:



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