activecell.formula syntax


Larry Levinson

ok, I know I SAID I'd never as this question again ... (and I even
looked up my old posts to try to find the answer,) but ...

why is this wrong?

ActiveCell.Formula = "=IF(Contacts!A" & row & "="","",Contacts!A" &
Larry Levinson
Talking up to the vocal ...
(remove the star etc ....)

John Wilson


Unsure from the way this displays on the screen but possibly all
that's wrong is the spacing ( especially that last "row&")". )
I assume that "row" is a variable??

ActiveCell.Formula = "=IF(Contacts!A" & row & "="","",Contacts!A" & row &


Tom Ogilvy

An easy way to check out these type problems is to use the immediate window
in the VBE:

row = 10
? "=IF(Contacts!A" & row & "="","",Contacts!A" & row & ")"

So this indicates there is some type of problem with your double quotes -
they are not coming out as you intended.

This appears to be more what you want:

? "=IF(Contacts!A" & row & "="""","""",Contacts!A" & row & ")"

ActiveCell.Formula = _
"=IF(Contacts!A" & row & "="""","""",Contacts!A" & row & ")"

When inside a string, to get a single double quote, you need to enter two
double quotes.


Two problems were identified with your version of the statement. One was that you needed a space following the last reference to Row so that it read Row & ")" vice Row& ")" The other was, that with the way that you were using quotes, if row = 5 then the result would be this "=IF(Contacts!A5=,,Contacts!A5)

Because you wanted to compare Contacts!A5 to an empty string, you need to include Chr(34) (Format code for a quote) to insert the quote into the formula. Your formula should look like the following to get the desired results and not to have an error from the debugger.

ActiveCell.Formula = "=IF(Contacts!A" & Row & "=" & Chr(34) & Chr(34) & "," & Chr(34) & Chr(34) & ",Contacts!A" & Row & ")"

----- Larry Levinson wrote: -----

ok, I know I SAID I'd never as this question again ... (and I even
looked up my old posts to try to find the answer,) but ...

why is this wrong?

ActiveCell.Formula = "=IF(Contacts!A" & row & "="","",Contacts!A" &
Larry Levinson
Talking up to the vocal ...
(remove the star etc ....)

Larry Levinson

many thanks. I may bookmark this one.

Tom Ogilvy said:
An easy way to check out these type problems is to use the immediate window
in the VBE:

row = 10
? "=IF(Contacts!A" & row & "="","",Contacts!A" & row & ")"

So this indicates there is some type of problem with your double quotes -
they are not coming out as you intended.

This appears to be more what you want:

? "=IF(Contacts!A" & row & "="""","""",Contacts!A" & row & ")"

ActiveCell.Formula = _
"=IF(Contacts!A" & row & "="""","""",Contacts!A" & row & ")"

When inside a string, to get a single double quote, you need to enter two
double quotes.

Larry Levinson
Talking up to the vocal ...
(remove the star etc ....)

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