? activate a commandbutton in code ?



does anybody know how to activate a commandbutton in a macro?

(there is no way around me having to do this... i need to batch a very
poorly organized workbook, and i have to go through a commandbutton to
do so)

to activate the commandbutton normally you just "click" it with the
mouse. but i cant figure out how to do it in a macro. i want to
automate this workbook so i can run this program multiple times. ive
tried dozens of different lines and none work. ive also tried recording
a macro to show me the correct code but the recorder stops when you try
to do this.


Tom Ogilvy

Change the click event from Private to public, then you just call the event
in your code.

Private Sub Commandbutton1_Click()
changed to
Public Sub Commandbutton1_Click()

then call it with


where Sheet1 is the code name of the sheet containing the code.

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