action taken with no mouse click



My new computer has an annoying habit of initiating an action when I leave
the mouse cursor over a button for a couple of seconds. Is there a way to
turn this feature off?


This is a laptop with a synaptics touchpad. There is nothing in the mouse
properties that resembles a setting for this feature. I checked the touchpad
settings and again nothing I can see resembles this feature.

Homer J. Simpson

This is a laptop with a synaptics touchpad. There is nothing in the mouse
properties that resembles a setting for this feature. I checked the
settings and again nothing I can see resembles this feature.

Does this happen only when you let the mouse hover over a button, or do
other controls get "auto-clicked" as well? I can't think of any software
that automatically clicks on a control on purpose. Try this: open up two
apps, and set them up side-by-side (two instances of Notepad would do). Set
focus to the app on the left. Move the mouse over the one on the right
(leave the mouse in the center of the window), but make sure you leave focus
on the first instance. Let it sit. If the focus eventually goes to the
second instance, then I wouldn't rule out a hardware problem (some touchpads
are way too sensitive and yours might be "misreading" a click)...

I would also try disabling the touchpad completely (BIOS? + any custom
Windows utility/driver), and then plug in a "real" mouse. If the problem
goes away, then at least you know for sure it's *something* with the
touchpad itself...

I'm afraid I don't really have any other constructive thought at this
point...since this is a new laptop, you might want to check with the
manufacturer if this is a known problem...

Sharon F

This is a laptop with a synaptics touchpad. There is nothing in the mouse
properties that resembles a setting for this feature. I checked the touchpad
settings and again nothing I can see resembles this feature.

Check the other Synaptics settings as well. Even when exerting effort to
tap lightly, I'm very heavy handed with touchpads. I always end up
adjusting the sensitivity settings. I also have to enable the settings that
guard against resting of the palms being interpreted as input.

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