Action Buttons - Can they flip?



I am creating a Power Point Presentation for a play that we are doing at my
church. This year we are doing "Family Feud". I have found presentations
already created, however, I need to generate my own and have it run on my
cues. I would like to be able to get an "action box" to flip like the
"answer boxes" do on the original show. Does anyone know if this is possible
and how? I look forward to any input. Thank you.


You can get a flip effect (though not quite the same as in the show) by
having two boxes on top of each other

Top box exit > collapse - across
Bottom box entrance stretch - across (after previous)
there's an example in our free downloads (true or false)
Did that answer the question / help?
John Wilson
Microsoft Certified Office Specialist
email john AT

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