action button to exe file



I have an action button linking to an exe file.
When I click on it, I get the "Some files contain
viruses...blah blah blah"

How can I get rid of this warning?

Also, is it possible to execute the exe file
when I get to the slide automatically w/out
clicking a hyperlink?


Troy @ TLC Creative

Unfortunately this is a safety feature of the OS and cannot be modified by
PPT. It will not show up on a computer that has its security setting to low
(which are very few).

Best Regards,
Troy Chollar
"troy at TLCCreative dot com"
TLC Creative Services, inc.


I'm set to Medium security.
Any other ideas?

-----Original Message-----
Unfortunately this is a safety feature of the OS and cannot be modified by
PPT. It will not show up on a computer that has its security setting to low
(which are very few).

Best Regards,
Troy Chollar
"troy at TLCCreative dot com"
TLC Creative Services, inc.



Troy @ TLC Creative said:
Unfortunately this is a safety feature of the OS and cannot be modified by
PPT. It will not show up on a computer that has its security setting to low
(which are very few).

Best Regards,
Troy Chollar
"troy at TLCCreative dot com"
TLC Creative Services, inc.

Dave Rudolf

I think he means that machines that are not set to low will show this
dialog? Maybe setting security to low will make the dialog go away.

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