Action Button Problems


Dave Y


I actually have 2 issues within the same project that I am
working on. I am creating a presentation that will be used
on a kiosk. I have 3 different presentations that I am
using with one of the presentations being a single slide
that I'm using as a menu that links to the other 2
presentations. There are 2 buttons (AutoShapes) on the
menu slide that link to the other 2 presentations. Here
are my 2 issues:

1. On the 2 presentations that are accessed from the menu
I have placed action buttons for "previous slide", "next
slide", and "home slide"(which is the menu). When I
do "View Show" for the menu presentation the menu buttons
work fine and will link me to either presentation but my
action buttons do not show in the presentations. If I run
the presentation by itself (not by using the link from the
menu) the action buttons are there and they work (well
kind of--See issue # 2).

2. When I run either of the 2 presentations (not using the
links from the menu presentation) that contain the action
buttons the previous and next buttons work fine; but when
I click on the home button it will bring me back to the
menu presentation which is what I want to happen, but the
menu will not work if I try to use it after I go back to
it. If I click on the buttons that link me to the other
presentations it will just "End Show". I also noticed that
when I click on the home button and go back to the menu;
the background color of the menu is gone and the menu
slide is as if I never changed the background color.

I followed a menu tutorial from
which was extremely helpful but I'm stumped as to how to
get the bugs out of this project. I appreciate the reading
of this long post and will greatly appreciate any guidance
or suggestions in resolving the issues I'm experiencing.
Thank you. Dave Y

David M. Marcovitz

What are the Home buttons hyperlinked to? Are they hyperlinked to the
Menu show or to End Show? Because you are always accessing the Other
Shows from the Menu Show, End Show will always take you back to the Menu
Show. I am not sure why you are having your problems, but that is the
first thing I would try. My guess is that it will clear up some of your

David M. Marcovitz, Ph.D.
Director of Graduate Programs in Educational Technology
Loyola College in Maryland
Author of _Powerful PowerPoint for Educators_

Kathy J

Have you tried updating your video drivers? That might help.

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
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Hi David,

I had the buttons hyperlinked to the actual menu slide. I
tried your suggestion and changed the action settings
to "End Show" but that is not bringing me back to the
menu; it just ends the show. Also, I can't can't trully
test the action buttons if I run a presentation from using
a button (link) from the menu presentation because the
action buttons are not being displayed for some reason.
Any more thoughts on this matter will be appreciated.
Thank you. Dave Y

David M. Marcovitz

It will just end the show if you start the Other Shows by themselves, but
if you start the Menu Show and then click on the link to the Other Shows,
it should take you back to the Menu Show.

A couple of other thoughts. Are there any animations set for any of your
action buttons? That might explain why they are not showing up
sometimes. Have you tried the presentation on a different computer? The
behavior you describe doesn't sound right. Perhaps, it is a problem with
your computer (I think it was Kathy who suggested updating your video


David M. Marcovitz, Ph.D.
Director of Graduate Programs in Educational Technology
Loyola College in Maryland
Author of _Powerful PowerPoint for Educators_


Hi Kathy,

Thank you for your reply. I tried updating the drivers;
unfortunately I still have the same issues. Any further
input will be appreciated. Thanks again.

Dave Y


Hi Kathy & David,

Thank you both for your replies. I created a new menu
slide and I thought I had it working but there are still
some strange things happening. I'm going to start over;
trying to resolve these issues is getting to be a hassle.
I appreciate your responses and your suggestions.

Thank you,

Dave Y

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