ACT! template field list not showing



I am using ACT for workgroups 9,(because my company does). I have it set to
use word as my default word processor.
When I try to create of modify a template, the ACT filed list will NOT show.
On my top memu bar I have an ACT icon. I click it and there is an option to
show the filed list but nothing happens.

1. Any ideas?

2. Things worked fine until we did an upgrade to ACT. Is there a way to
remove the ACT Icon and maybe 'reload' the addon?

Any help is appreciated.



Joann..I understand that!! ACT allows you to designate a word processor,
using Word or Act's built in processor. I have chosen Word. I have templates
already setup and they are populating. Howwever, anything new or modified is


Doug Robbins - Word MVP

As it was an upgrade to ACT that caused the acting up, you need to get onto
ACT about it.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

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