acrobat, pip, real player don't work



PC is a new build running Windows 2000. PC has 512 mb
ram, 80 gig drive, running with a 2.4 Athlon XP processor.

We've had this pc since Dec 2003....

Here's the times, we cannot open up
acrobat reader, real player and digital pictures within my
wife's picture program (pip platinum). I have fooled
around with various components until I came across the
video card driver. After de-installing and re-installing
the driver, the condition would go away for about a week
and then come back. I finally replaced the video card
thinking this would ultimatley fix the problem, but it
didn't improve one bit.

When the condition is not present, then all of the listed
programs (acrobat, player and the picture program) work

This is driving us nuts! Do you have any ideas for me?
Currently, it doesn't matter what I try, I can't get any
of the listed programs to work.
Many thanks....

Jason Hall [MSFT]

Sender: "Brandon" <[email protected]>
Subject: acrobat, pip, real player don't work
Date: Tue, 18 May 2004 08:13:16 -0700

PC is a new build running Windows 2000. PC has 512 mb
ram, 80 gig drive, running with a 2.4 Athlon XP processor.

We've had this pc since Dec 2003....

Here's the times, we cannot open up
acrobat reader, real player and digital pictures within my
wife's picture program (pip platinum). I have fooled
around with various components until I came across the
video card driver. After de-installing and re-installing
the driver, the condition would go away for about a week
and then come back. I finally replaced the video card
thinking this would ultimatley fix the problem, but it
didn't improve one bit.

When the condition is not present, then all of the listed
programs (acrobat, player and the picture program) work

This is driving us nuts! Do you have any ideas for me?
Currently, it doesn't matter what I try, I can't get any
of the listed programs to work.
Many thanks....

So, you say that these applications do not open? Is there any apparent
response to clicking the icon?
Is anything listed in the application log of Event Viewer?

~ Performance Support Specialist,
~ Microsoft Enterprise Platforms Support
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The PIP application will open, but upon opening a picture
we get a "Pip.exe" error and the application closes.
Trying to open up acrobat yields an "AcroRd32.exe has
generated errors and will be closed by Windows. An error
log is being created." error, and real player doesn't
actually open at all.

I have tried various versions of acrobat (5 and 6) and get
the same thing.

I'm running out of options of what I know to try...

I have not yet found anything related in the application
log of Event Viewer that is helpful.

Jason Hall [MSFT]

Content-Class: urn:content-classes:message
From: <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: acrobat, pip, real player don't work
Date: Tue, 18 May 2004 19:14:13 -0700

The PIP application will open, but upon opening a picture
we get a "Pip.exe" error and the application closes.
Trying to open up acrobat yields an "AcroRd32.exe has
generated errors and will be closed by Windows. An error
log is being created." error, and real player doesn't
actually open at all.

I have tried various versions of acrobat (5 and 6) and get
the same thing.

I'm running out of options of what I know to try...

I have not yet found anything related in the application
log of Event Viewer that is helpful.

What if you boot into Safe Mode?
...if it is video drivers that are causing the problem, they won't be
loaded in Safe Mode

~ Performance Support Specialist,
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How do I boot into Safe Mode?

-----Original Message-----


What if you boot into Safe Mode?
...if it is video drivers that are causing the problem, they won't be
loaded in Safe Mode

~ Performance Support Specialist,
~ Microsoft Enterprise Platforms Support
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Okay, I figured out how to boot into Safe Mode....the
problem still exists.

What now?

Jason Hall [MSFT]

From: <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: acrobat, pip, real player don't work
Date: Wed, 19 May 2004 21:03:44 -0700

Okay, I figured out how to boot into Safe Mode....the
problem still exists.

What now?

Since the problem still exists in Safe Mode, that tells us that it is
probably something wrong the the operating system, or the application (3rd
part drivers and other software are now essentially excluded from the
equation). I would run SFC /SCANNOW to ensure that there is no system file
corruption. If you still have the problem after that, contact the good
folks at Adobe, maybe they know something about this problem.

~ Performance Support Specialist,
~ Microsoft Enterprise Platforms Support
~ This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no
~ Use of included script samples are subject to the terms specified at
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The scan ran okay. We found the following:
Under "Display Properties", the "Settings" tab, the "Color
quality" was set to 256 colors.

When we changed this to "Highest (32 bit)", the problems
went immediately away. Acrobat, PIP and WMP all worked.

Now.....if the PC sits for several hours, the problem
returns. The problem seems to dis-appear after several
attempts to open one of the programs or by re-booting the

What is going on here? I there some setting in still need
to fiddle with, like when the pc is not being used??

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