Acos Function



It is my understanding that Visual Basic does not have
the acos (inverse cos) built into it. I want to then
have visual basic place a formula in a cell rather than a
value. How do I do that. Here is what I have. Thank

Klarge and PFlarge are defined integers

wks_W.Range("AH" & i).Value = Klarge * Tan(Acos(PFlarge))
* wks_W.Range("S" & i).Value

Thank you

Peter T

Acos is a worksheet functions available in VBA. Highlight
Acos and press F1..

Don't forget the Trig functions work with Radians - is
that what your defined integers refer to (rather than

Sub test()
Dim fn As WorksheetFunction
Set fn = Application.WorksheetFunction
x = 30 * fn.Pi / 180
cs = Cos(x)
ac = fn.Acos(cs)
x2 = ac * 180 / fn.Pi
MsgBox x2
End Sub


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