Account Expired ??



Not sure why (yet) but all of the users accts are expired with a date of
Sept 6 2003
Anyone ever have this problem? And what was the fix?

Better yet how do i do a mass option to set all the users account expired
option to 'Never' ?

Robbie Allen

Can't say I've heard of that before. How were the accounts initially

You could use this command to reset them:
C:\> for /F "usebackq delims=""" %i in (`dsquery user
"ou=myusers,dc=test,dc=local" -scope onelevel`) do dsmod user -acctexpires
never %i

Replace ou=myusers,dc=test,dc=local with the OU your users are in.

Or if you want to do it via a script, you could combine these two:

Robbie Allen
Author of "Active Directory Cookbook" (O'Reilly)

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