Accidentally unistall RealPlayer One



Please will someone out there help me? I accidentally unistall RealPlayer One and How do I get it back? I am not confident enough to use System Recovery as I am new to PC. The program was installed in the comp when I bought it


Will Denny


Have a look through the CDs that came with your PC. You may find one with Realplayer on it. If so you can re-install RP from that CD. If not you should contact your PC supplier.


Will Denny
MS-MVP Windows - Shell/User

| Please will someone out there help me? I accidentally unistall RealPlayer One and How do I get it back? I am not confident enough to use System Recovery as I am new to PC. The program was installed in the comp when I bought it.
| Thanks


Real Player One may present different problems to a user. It took me several
d'l's before I got the version that worked before I also accidentally erased

The Unknown P said:
Don't know why Will would send you looking through the cd's when it's a
simple free download from their site. Here is the link Good luck.


-----Original Message-----
Please will someone out there help me? I accidentally
unistall RealPlayer One and How do I get it back? I am
not confident enough to use System Recovery as I am new
to PC. The program was installed in the comp when I
bought it.
You probably have your problem fixed all ready,but
that's an easy one.Just get online and type in real
player .com and you can download it to your desk top and
install it from there.It's Free.

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