Accessing web page from C# application


Alberto Poblacion

Adrian said:
How do I access a web page from a normal C# application?

You can use the WebRequest or HttpWebRequest classes to send a request
for a URL to a sever and retrieve the response into your program. This
brings to you the HTML code that is normally served to browsers by the web


Thank you Alberto, Adrian

Alberto Poblacion said:
You can use the WebRequest or HttpWebRequest classes to send a request
for a URL to a sever and retrieve the response into your program. This
brings to you the HTML code that is normally served to browsers by the web

Arne Vajhøj

Adrian said:
How do I access a web page from a normal C# application?

The easiest is probably the WebClient class.

If you need a little bit more control then (Http)WebRequest.

HttpWebRequest wr = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
string html = (new

where the point is that you can set various properties
on the request.


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