accessing typed dataset relationships?


Darren Clark

I am trying to understand typed datasets more.... and i am stuck on a little problem

I have created a type dataset called "News" this consists of 2 tables. NewsTable and NewsTypes.
the news has news_id int, title string and type int
the news type table has type_id int and type_name string
There is also a relationship created which is joining on the news.type and then newstype.type_id

In the code below i am putting in 2 rows for types... and 1 row for a news article.

My question is .... how can i get the STRING value of the newstype that relates to my news item? eg i want an easy way to get to the value "first type"

Any help would me much appreciated.

News myNews = new News();
News.NewsTypesRow tRow;

// Add some types
tRow = myNews.NewsTypes.NewNewsTypesRow();
tRow.type_id = 1;
tRow.type_name = "first type";

tRow.type_id = 2;
tRow.type_name = "second type";

// Add some datat to the news
News.NewsTableRow nRow = myNews.NewsTable.NewNewsTableRow();
nRow.title = "news title";
nRow.type = 1;

Darren Clark

Here is the XSD

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<xs:schema id="News" targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified"

attributeFormDefault="qualified" xmlns="" xmlns:mstns=""

xmlns:xs="" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata">

<xs:element name="News" msdata:IsDataSet="true">


<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">

<xs:element name="NewsTable">



<xs:element name="news_id" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0" />

<xs:element name="title" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />

<xs:element name="type" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0" />




<xs:element name="NewsTypes">



<xs:element name="type_id" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0" />

<xs:element name="type_name" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />






<xs:key name="NewsKey1" msdata:primaryKey="true">

<xs:selector xpath=".//mstns:NewsTable" />

<xs:field xpath="mstns:news_id" />


<xs:key name="NewsKey2">

<xs:selector xpath=".//mstns:NewsTypes" />

<xs:field xpath="mstns:type_id" />


<xs:keyref name="NewsTypesNewsTable" refer="NewsKey2" msdata:ConstraintOnly="true">

<xs:selector xpath=".//mstns:NewsTable" />

<xs:field xpath="mstns:type" />




I am trying to understand typed datasets more.... and i am stuck on a little problem

I have created a type dataset called "News" this consists of 2 tables. NewsTable and NewsTypes.
the news has news_id int, title string and type int
the news type table has type_id int and type_name string
There is also a relationship created which is joining on the news.type and then newstype.type_id

In the code below i am putting in 2 rows for types... and 1 row for a news article.

My question is .... how can i get the STRING value of the newstype that relates to my news item? eg i want an easy way to get to the value "first type"

Any help would me much appreciated.

News myNews = new News();
News.NewsTypesRow tRow;

// Add some types
tRow = myNews.NewsTypes.NewNewsTypesRow();
tRow.type_id = 1;
tRow.type_name = "first type";

tRow.type_id = 2;
tRow.type_name = "second type";

// Add some datat to the news
News.NewsTableRow nRow = myNews.NewsTable.NewNewsTableRow();
nRow.title = "news title";
nRow.type = 1;

John Saunders

I am trying to understand typed datasets more.... and i am stuck on a little problem

I have created a type dataset called "News" this consists of 2 tables. NewsTable and NewsTypes.
the news has news_id int, title string and type int
the news type table has type_id int and type_name string
There is also a relationship created which is joining on the news.type and then newstype.type_id

In the code below i am putting in 2 rows for types... and 1 row for a news article.

My question is .... how can i get the STRING value of the newstype that relates to my news item? eg i want an easy way to get to the value "first type"

Any help would me much appreciated.

News myNews = new News();
News.NewsTypesRow tRow;

// Add some types
tRow = myNews.NewsTypes.NewNewsTypesRow();
tRow.type_id = 1;
tRow.type_name = "first type";
New<type>Row() just creates a new row object of the type. It doesn't add the new row to the DataSet. Try


Also, you need another new row here:

tRow = myNews.NewsTypes.NewNewsTypesRow();

tRow.type_id = 2;
tRow.type_name = "second type";
// Add some datat to the news
News.NewsTableRow nRow = myNews.NewsTable.NewNewsTableRow();
nRow.title = "news title";
nRow.type = 1;

Darren Clark

OK i have changed my code now to add the rows... but i still cant access the values in the other table..
It doesnt matter if i use getparentrow or getchildrows ... both fail..

however i know that the relationship works because if i try and add the value 5 to a news row it fails. and returns a FK error.

News myNews = new News();

News.NewsTypeRow tRow;

// Add some types

tRow = myNews.NewsType.NewNewsTypeRow();

tRow.type_id = 1; = "first type";


tRow = myNews.NewsType.NewNewsTypeRow();

tRow.type_id = 2; = "second type";


// Add some datat to the news

News.NewsTableRow nRow = myNews.NewsTable.NewNewsTableRow();

nRow.type_id = 1;

nRow.body = "some coppy here";



DataRow pRow = nRow.GetParentRow("NewsTypeNewsTable");

if (pRow == null)


MessageBox.Show("p is null");






DataRow[] pRows = nRow.GetChildRows("NewsTypeNewsTable");

MessageBox.Show(pRows.Length.ToString()); // RETURNS 0

I am trying to understand typed datasets more.... and i am stuck on a little problem

I have created a type dataset called "News" this consists of 2 tables. NewsTable and NewsTypes.
the news has news_id int, title string and type int
the news type table has type_id int and type_name string
There is also a relationship created which is joining on the news.type and then newstype.type_id

In the code below i am putting in 2 rows for types... and 1 row for a news article.

My question is .... how can i get the STRING value of the newstype that relates to my news item? eg i want an easy way to get to the value "first type"

Any help would me much appreciated.

News myNews = new News();
News.NewsTypesRow tRow;

// Add some types
tRow = myNews.NewsTypes.NewNewsTypesRow();
tRow.type_id = 1;
tRow.type_name = "first type";
New<type>Row() just creates a new row object of the type. It doesn't add the new row to the DataSet. Try


Also, you need another new row here:

tRow = myNews.NewsTypes.NewNewsTypesRow();

tRow.type_id = 2;
tRow.type_name = "second type";
// Add some datat to the news
News.NewsTableRow nRow = myNews.NewsTable.NewNewsTableRow();
nRow.title = "news title";
nRow.type = 1;