Accessing IE DOM from 2008



I need to access currently running IE window's DOM content and read|
write on it.
I can find processId of the window with System.Diagnostics.Process().
But how can I can't create it as an object and access the DOM content.


I don't know of a .Net method, but in case you don't
get a .Net answer, the following might help:

API: Use ObjectFromLResult to get an IHTMLDocument
from the window hWnd of any Internet Explorer_Server
class window. ...plenty of code online. You can just
enum. open windows, using the window title text to find
the one you want and using the hWnd to get the document

Shell/COM: Access the Windows collection of the Shell
object. (shell32.dll) Windows represents all open IE
or Explorer instances. The items are officially IE objects.
In reality an IE window returns an IE object with an
available document. Explorer folders return a dummy IE
with a document object that is actually a ShellFolderView.
You can tell them apart by their LocationURL property,
the window class type, or the object type of the document.

| Hi,
| I need to access currently running IE window's DOM content and read|
| write on it.
| I can find processId of the window with System.Diagnostics.Process().
| But how can I can't create it as an object and access the DOM content.
| thanks.

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