Accessing autosaves after closing the program?



Recently I’ve managed to close a few documents (excel and word) without
saving them. Not very clever I know. I know as you are working in these
programs you can autosave, which saves the document in a temporary file. But
when you close a document the temporary file gets deleted / is not obviously
1. is it possible to access these so I could open the last autosave? Or
2. is it possible to change some setting / autosave location so these
autosaved files are available after I close the program?

Jay Freedman

Hi Richard,

The files you refer to are Auto*recover*, emphatically not Auto*save*.
Once the program closes normally and the files are deleted, they are
for all reasonable purposes vaporized. *If* you have an undelete
utility and *if* you use it before some other program overwrites those
sectors on the disk, you might retrieve them, but that's as chancy as
it sounds.

A better solution is to visit and get a macro that really
will *save* periodically.

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