Accessing a Mediaplayer on a Webpage on a Form

  • Thread starter Thomas Zapf-Schramm
  • Start date

Thomas Zapf-Schramm


I'm trying to write an local (client-side) windows-application that analyzes
the content of multimedia webpages. This programm has a main form
(Windows.Forms), in which I have embedded a webBrowser control. At runtime
the webbrowsercontrol loads the webpage of interest. Then I can analyze its
content with the Windows.Forms.HTMLDocument and Windows.Forms.HTMLElement

Now I want to know the duration of a video, that is loaded in a mediaplayer
control on the webpage. The mediaplayer control is enclosed in <OBJECT>
tags on the webpage. In my Windows.Forms. program I have a reference to the
axWindowsMediaplayer object.

How can I access the embedded Mediaplayer on the Webpage? With
GetElementByID I can get no reference to a axWindowsMediaplayer object, I
only can get a HTMLElement object. It seems to be impossible to cast from
this type to the Mediaplayer type. In Javaspcript it seems to be possible to
access the player object and its methods via GetElementByID(). Are there any
suggestions? Can this be done in C# (or


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