Accessing a code behind variable from ASPX


Ryan Taylor


I need to be able to access a public code behind variable within my ASPX
page. The reason is that I have a user control "Header" which defines a
table layout, and is included in all my pages, at various levels in the
website heirarchy. The table requires a background image. My images folders
is at the root of the website, effectively "~/images/". I need the
background image to show whether I at a page in the root of my website or in
some other directory a few folders down. Normally, I could just write
"~/images/image.jpg" if I was in a code behind file, but I cannot use this
syntax in the ASPX page. So, I have a "VirtualRoot" public variable declared
in my Header.cs file, and this variable is assigned Request.ApplicationPath
on the Page_Load event. This will give me the appropropriate path to prefix
/images/image.jpg. But I cannot remember how to access this variable from
the ASPX page. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

Ryan Taylor

Ok. I've managed to solve the problem in another way, I've made the table
server side and added the attribute directly. Though, I would like to know
how to do what I initially asked.

Ben Strackany

Can you make that public variable a property of the user control, assign the
user control an id, & then access it with <usercontrolid>.<propertyname> ?

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