Access2007 User Interface



Used Access 2007 for the first time.
I have never seen such a stupid waste of time (mine) as the new UI.
Why can't they leave a good thing alone?
I can't even get to a table to open / design on a legacy 2003
Can anyone tell me if there is an option to turn off this ridiculous
touchy feely webby UI and just get a functional menu again.
By the time I figure out how drive the beast it will be too late. The
project dealine will have passsed.

You would think they would at least have allowed multiple ways to do
things and let old timers like me get on with the job. but no, some
geek has had to justify his existance and created this masterpiece to
do it.
GOD I despair of how wrong Microsoft can get it sometimes.
They do some things so well, that when you see crap like this it is
doubly frustrating.



I totally agree with Bob -- the interface might work if I had 1-2 tables and
4-5 queries. But not with 80 tables and 80 queries. Every new version of
Office dumbs down the user interface. I have click and drill a lot more to
do what I used to be able to do with 2003.

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