Access Word Automation problem


Jim K

I am using attempting to use office automation to go from
an access form to a report. Following an example I have
been using a basWord module. As I have added fields
eveything went well until I hit memo and numeric fields.
When I try to use one of these fields I get a message that
reads "method or data member not found". Is there a way
to make this work? Code follows:

' Launch Word and load the invoice template
Set objWord = New Word.Application
objWord.Documents.Add _
Application.CurrentProject.Path & "\"
objWord.Visible = True

' Add header information using predefined bookmarks
With objWord.ActiveDocument.Bookmarks

.Item("Lname").Range.Text = frmLabPatients.LNAME _
& ", " & frmLabPatients.FNAME

If IsNull(frmLabPatients.BIRTHDATE) Then
.Item("BirthDate").Range.Text = " "
.Item("BirthDate").Range.Text =
End If
..Item("cellscounted").Range.Text =

Thanks Jim K.

jim K

After a large loss of hair I figured it out.
The name field in the Other Property window was not filled
in with the correct name (i.e. Text99 instead of, say,

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