Access Versions conflicts - problems running an mdb with code



I created an mdb in a Hebrew Access Version 2002. It runs perfectly fine.
This mdb does not have ANY hebrew data at all. Everything is in English.
However when attempting to run this database in an English Access Version
2002 environment the code can not run. It is not a specific code that it
wont run. It is any code will just not run. I tried it by opening multiple
forms. Any form that had code in it would just not work.
The code I used is basic simple code that I would use in an English
environment. There is no difference in the code.

Solutions I tried:

A- Recompiling the code
I tried compiling it again in English Environment and it compiles
successfully. However it can not run any code. It gets stuck immediately..
it's not a specific code that it wont run. It is any code. I tried it by
opening multiple forms. Any form that had code in it would just not work.

B- Creating a New Database and importing the objects
I tried creating a new database container - imported all the objects - set
the references - compiled it successfully.. then tried opening a from with
code and did not work!

Please let me know what else I can try. I greatly appreciate your
assistance. I can email a test database with one form and a line of code to
test what's going on. Thanks.

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