Access VBA Books




Can anyone recommend an Access VBA book, I'm not a true beginner, but not an
Intermediate either?


I'm with Jerry. Probably the best reference available. I got a set of 2
books, one for desktop development and one for enterprise development. The
desktop version is probably the one you will use most.


I must confess that I find the suggestions of the Litwin and Getz books
a bit heady for a beginner and even intermediate access user / coder.
They are WONDERFUL books and my copies are dog-earred but I can't
recommend them for a beginner without the beginner first perusing those
books to see if they work for the specific reader.

I would suggest the Beginning VBA for Access 2000 from Wrox press by
Sussman and Smith, if you can still get it. If not, try Beginning VBA
for Access 2003.
best of luck,
- sinjin


Good Morning Guys

Thanks for your responses, I think it may be worth a visit to my local
bookstore, to look at these books in person.

Thanks again for the suggestions.

Kind Regards


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