Access USB drive from network requires password


Arnie Goetchius

I have a 2 computer network both with XP pro. I added a USB 2.0 external
drive to computer MAIN. MAIN also has drive C and Drive D plus an HP
printer and a scanner also connected to USB ports. A CD drive shows up
as E and the USB drive is F. Sharing is set to Share Folder and Allow
Network Users to Change Files for all drives, C:, D:, E: and F:. When
using computer MAIN, I have no problem reading and writing files to the
USB drive.

However, when I go to the second computer, TEST. I cannot access the
USB drive. I can access drives C:, D: and E: on MAIN from TEST with
no problem. But when I try to access the USB drive, I get a screen that
states the following:


Connect to MAIN

User Name MAIN\Guest This line is greyed out so I can't change it.



Here it is requesting a password. How can I get rid of this request for a
password? I don't get the request when I access any other resource on the MAIN
computer from TEST. Or do I have to some how set up a "Guest" account with a

Arnie Goetchius

Chuck said:

Check the NTFS and Share permissions for the USB drive, and compare them to NTFS
and Share permissions for one of the drives that is NOT having problems.

When I right click the drive and get to the Properties screen and then
the Sharing panel, both "Share this folder ..." and "Allow Network ..."
are checked. That is the same setting used for all drives. Is this the
procedure you wanted me to use when you said "Check the NTFS and Share
permissions for the USB drive, ...", ??


When I right click the drive and get to the Properties screen and then
the Sharing panel, both "Share this folder ..." and "Allow Network ..."
are checked. That is the same setting used for all drives. Is this the
procedure you wanted me to use when you said "Check the NTFS and Share
permissions for the USB drive, ...", ??


It's better explained in the article which I provided the link for. On the
Sharing tab, under Permissions, you find the Share permissions. On the Security
tab, you find the NTFS permissions.

Arnie Goetchius

Chuck said:

It's better explained in the article which I provided the link for. On the
Sharing tab, under Permissions, you find the Share permissions. On the Security
tab, you find the NTFS permissions.

Sorry. I read it but don't understand how to implement it. For example,
it says:

"A simple procedure is to grant Full rights to Everyone, on the share
permissions, then grant restrictive rights to the individual accounts or
groups, on the NTFS permissions."

Just how do I "grant Full rights to Everyone" ?

Thanks for your help. As you can see, I really need it ;)

Arnie Goetchius

Chuck said:

It's better explained in the article which I provided the link for. On the
Sharing tab, under Permissions, you find the Share permissions. On the Security
tab, you find the NTFS permissions.

Okay, I couldn't see the Security tab. Finally logged in Safe Mode so as
to get administrative rights and set Everyone to have allow and total
control for the USB drive. Re-booted but still get the same request for
a password from the second computer.


Sorry. I read it but don't understand how to implement it. For example,
it says:

"A simple procedure is to grant Full rights to Everyone, on the share
permissions, then grant restrictive rights to the individual accounts or
groups, on the NTFS permissions."

Just how do I "grant Full rights to Everyone" ?

Thanks for your help. As you can see, I really need it ;)


In your case, just:
# In Sharing - Permissions, highlight Everyone in the list at the top, then
check Full Control under Allow at the bottom.
# In Security, highlight either Everyone or Users in the list at the top, then
check Full Control under Allow at the bottom.

This gives Full Control to Everyone for network access. Given specific userids
in the Security list, you can modify that to restrict access to shares which you
do NOT wish everybody to have access.

First setup a share for Everybody to access, get comfortable with that, then
setup another share with restricted access. If you want specific accounts to
have access, rather than Everyone, uncheck all of the boxes in the list at the
bottom, for Everyone. Please don't Deny access to Everyone, unless you want
absolutely no one to have access.

It's easier to do it, than to write about it.

Arnie Goetchius

Chuck said:

In your case, just:
# In Sharing - Permissions, highlight Everyone in the list at the top, then
check Full Control under Allow at the bottom.
# In Security, highlight either Everyone or Users in the list at the top, then
check Full Control under Allow at the bottom.

Did that but no help. Still can't access the USB drive from other
computers on the network. Other computers can access the IDE drives,
CD-Rom and printer on the MAIN computer.


Did that but no help. Still can't access the USB drive from other
computers on the network. Other computers can access the IDE drives,
CD-Rom and printer on the MAIN computer.


Can you map the drive share, and access that share as mapped, from the computer
that it's on?

Is the Guest account properly activated for network access?

If you have XP Pro, you can disable Simple File Sharing directly, without Safe
Mode. After disabling SFS, compare the NTFS and Share permissions for the USB
drive with other shares that have no problem.

Arnie Goetchius

Chuck said:

Can you map the drive share, and access that share as mapped, from the computer
that it's on?

I can map the drive but still cannot access it without getting the
password screen for Guest. Entering a password for Guest does not help.
I also mapped one of my regular IDE drives and have the same problem so
there appears to be a problem with Guest and the password. I will
concentrate on this for now to see if I can find out what the problem is.

Yes, Guest is activated on both the server and the client.
If you have XP Pro, you can disable Simple File Sharing directly, without Safe
Mode. After disabling SFS, compare the NTFS and Share permissions for the USB
drive with other shares that have no problem.

I have not tried this yet. I prefer to concentrate on the first part of

Arnie Goetchius

Chuck said:

Can you map the drive share, and access that share as mapped, from the computer
that it's on?

Is the Guest account properly activated for network access?

If you have XP Pro, you can disable Simple File Sharing directly, without Safe
Mode. After disabling SFS, compare the NTFS and Share permissions for the USB
drive with other shares that have no problem.

I moved the USB drive from the MAIN computer to the TEST computer and
have no problem reading it from MAIN after setting up sharing on TEST.
So I suspect some problem with the MAIN computer. At least I know it is
not USB drives that cause the problem. I'll keep at it it.

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