Access to Worksheet in AddIn.xla


Robin Clay

Greetings !

Earlier today I wrote in here

"Colo" kindly replied, 12/10/2003 1:32:47 AM, for which I
am very grateful,

Please place Auto shpas or bitmaps in the sheet1 before run this code.
Set sh = Sheets(1)
Set shp = sh.Shapes(lngCnt)

These routines all go into my AddIn.xla, which I notice
has a Sheet1.

My further question, then, is this -

Can I put these shapes into that Sheet 1 in my
AddIn.xla ?

And if so, how ?

"Normally", I can't access that worksheet in the .xla file.

RClay AT haswell DOT com

Charles Williams

Hi Robin,

you can access a sheet in your addin using

Decision Models
FastExcel Version 2 now available.


Hello Robin,

Me again. Call it from Auto_Open (or Private Sub Workbook_Open) of Add-in.

Sub Auto_Open()
Call CreateToolbarMenu
End Sub

And replace

Set sh = Sheets(1) 'Change here to the worksheet for shapes


Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") 'Change here to the worksheet for

Tom Ogilvy

A little different interpretation of the question:

with the addin loaded, go to the VBE and select the addin in the project
explorer window. Click on the ThisWorkbook subelement and in the properties
window, change the IsAddin property to false. Now it will be a workbook and
you can manually place your bitmaps/icons. Once done, you can change it
back to an addin and save it.

Tom Ogilvy

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