Access table & form: find word entered by user anywhere in table



User will enter a word on a form and I then want to search ALL the fields of
a table for that word. How?

Rick B

There is no easy way to do this because it does not make sense in a
normalized Access database. Each field should contain a specific type of
data. A user should not be able to enter "a word" anywhere in the table.
The date field, record number, customer name, etc. fields would not contain
a key word, for example.

What is your data structure? Why would you search for a specific word in
any field, instead of the field where the word should be entered?

My fear is that you do not have a normalized database. Post more about your
data structure.


you can use a LIKE clause with multiple OR statements.
you can either hard code the field names or use recordset and form objects
in your SQL statement.
eg SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE myDBfield1 LIKE *" & mySearchField & "* OR "

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