Access Security



Ive created a new database for use amongst a team of 6. I want to create
security levels where 2 people will be admin users i.e. be able to access
modify add create any part of the database. For the rest I only want them to
ablke to add new records via the forms.

Tried to do this using security option in tools but it seems to affect the
application, not the individual database Ive created.

Would be helpful if anyone knew any links on reading up on this,Thanks.

Joseph Meehan

FerrariWA said:
Ive created a new database for use amongst a team of 6. I want to
create security levels where 2 people will be admin users i.e. be
able to access modify add create any part of the database. For the
rest I only want them to ablke to add new records via the forms.

Tried to do this using security option in tools but it seems to
affect the application, not the individual database Ive created.

Would be helpful if anyone knew any links on reading up on

I suggest you start by reading;[LN];207793

Access security is a great feature, but it is, by nature a complex product
with a very steep learning curve. Properly used it offers very safe
versatile protection and control. However a simple mistake can easily lock
you out of your database, which might require the paid services of a
professional to help you get back in.

Practice on some copies to make sure you know what you are doing.

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