access registry without .Net CF 2



WM5-SE, .Net CF1, VS2005

I want to access the registry on my WM5, .Net CF1 device. I know how
to access the registry using the Microsoft.Win32 namespace that comes
with .Net CF2 (or the OpenNetCF), but how about .NetCF1 devices?


Have a look at this Microsoft article:

Download the sample code and take a look at the Registry.cs class --
it's where I cribbed my registry functionality from. And since the
main article is a discussion about creating a P/Invoke library,
there's no dependency on the Microsoft.Win32 namespace.

I've been using it successfully on a WM5 device, using the CF2 SP2
framework. But like I said, it should work under CF1.

Good luck,

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