Access/Query Help



Much help needed!!

I am trying to create an inventory/production database that will allow
me to track inventory reports and production comments/editions.

I want to be able to track/link the previous comments/edits to new
inventory reports. I know nI can do this by creating a query linking
the part/job number...but I have no clue how/where to start??!?!?

Many thanks.


Start by giving US more clues about the data and/or biz. processes you have
to work with. Where is the inventory info? How are production comments
stored? Give more information about Part, Job, Comment, etc.


production report includes the following fields:

project #, part #, qty, allocated qty, production due date, comments

as of now, we receive a new report everyday with the first 6 fields,
and manually type in the comments, even if there is no change from the
previous day.

i would like to create a database/query that will track the comments of
each project until production is completed to eliminate the manual

thanks, cheers!


I see you having a master table that accumulates records from each daily
Also, you will have a daily report table: this will capture the daily report
information and have a Comment field that you will edit only with new

Daily you will receive the daily report information, edit comments if
necessary, then run an APPEND query to move the records to the master table.

To get a report of all the Comments for a project, just do a query of
comments GROUP BY project.


again, much, much thanks!

for now, i have one more question-how do you set up an APPEND query?


Create a new query in design mode; add the table you want to append to;
right-mouse click in the table area and choose Query Type/Append query. It
will ask you what table you want to append from. Source and Destination
tables should have the same structure.

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