Access not sharing



I have developed a program in Access 2000. I split the
database and created an MDE for the front end. I have put
it on the server with each user having the same mapped
drive letter to the sever. I create an install batch file
that copies the server information to the hard drive of
each users computer. If one computer has the file open
and I try to start it on another, you see the beginning
screen open but the hour glass remains what looks like a
frozen screen. As soon as the initial computer closes
this program, the program opens instantly on the second
computer. My IT department tells me that they have the
permissions and sharing set up properly on the server.
Can any one shed any light on this matter?

Cheryl Fischer

The symptoms you describe are often the result of incorrect network
permissions. Permissions on the folder in which the back-end data is
located must be: Read, Write, Create, Delete, Execute

These are required so that the locking (LDB) file can be managed for all
users. I have frequently encountered network admins who have assumed that
Read/Write was sufficient and correct - they really do not like to grant
Delete permissions. You may wish to double-check with your network admins
to make sure of the *exact* settings. And, to be on the safe side, check
Tools|Options|Advanced in the front-end to make sure that the Default Open
Mode is set to "Shared".

One last comment ... If I have read your post correctly, you have a single
copy of the MDE file being opened by all users on the server. This is
definitely not a "best practice" and will contribute to performance problems
as well as later corruption. Each user should have a copy of the MDE on his
or her own hard drive.

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